University of Nairobi Arts Tourism Students (UNATS) is a student body keen on development of character and experience of its member student so that they can play an informed role in the expansion of the tourism industry not only in Kenya but regionally.
As a team our mandate is to ensure that tourism remains relevant as a course and a vital player in the development of the regional economy through the involvement of various stakeholders in tourism and related industries.
We therefore would like to urge the support of fellow citizens and students as the promotion of tourism begins at individual level.
Indeed, Tourism is wide and amorphous, thus accommodating various fields such as cultural, sports, climatic, academic among others. These fields touch on our very lives and by preserving the above named disciplines, so do we promote quality in our engagement of the tourism sector thus bettering our lives.
- To popularize tourism as a major course at the university level.
- To expose students to the various opportunities in the tourism sector.
- To bring tourism students together through outdoor activities such as academic trips and community activities such as tree planting, clean up exercises etc.
- To promote proactive participation and involvement in the tourism industry by all stakeholders including government bodies, private sector, tourism organizations, local communities, NGOs, youth clubs, among others.
- To promote local tourism as a way of sensitizing students on the impotence of tourism.
- To promote environmental awareness, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
- To lobby for help and assistance from the government and public sources for the promotion of responsible tourism.
- To raise funds and through donations, subscription, gifts, and considerations to facilitate the achievement of the above objectives.