Students living with disabilities or students with special needs have access to various services to help them in their daily lives. Such services include transport vehicle. The University of Nairobi have in place a special vehicle dedicated to students with special needs.
Reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities is a right as enshrined in both the Kenya Persons with Disabilities Act of 2003 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The office in collaboration with SWA ensures that some rooms are set aside for students with mobility issues on the ground floor of halls of residence. Male students have rooms reserved for them in Hall 2 and female students in women’s Hall (Box).
Technological support
Students with visual disability are provided with learning facilities such as laptops with screen reading software (JAWS) i.e Job Access with Speech.
Sign language interpretation support services
In an effort to provide equal opportunities for the deaf, the Office of the Dean of Students first engaged the services of sign language interpreter cum secretary on a temporary basis in 2004. This is after it emerged that there was no post for sign language interpreter and as such, the person engaged had to have shorthand secretarial qualification apart from having sign language skills. However, the interview was canceled owing to the fact that the advertised post was not that of a secretary as expected. Currently the section boasts of having in place five (5) sign language interpreters who provide sign language interpretation for both Deaf students and staff as well as on any occasion such as first year orientation, graduation, meeting, conference, seminar etc.
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